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- restAPI’s zijn hip! (nieuwe firmware voor de DSMR-logger) - 202,696 keer bekeken / views
- DSMR-logger V4 (Slimme Meter uitlezer) - 178,410 keer bekeken / views
- Home-Assistant Integratie met de DSMR-logger - 129,520 keer bekeken / views
- Slimme Meter uitlezer - 99,234 keer bekeken / views
- DONOFF – WiFi enabled light dimmer - 43,447 keer bekeken / views
- Boekbespreking - 35,849 keer bekeken / views
- Aan de slag met de ESP8266 - 35,165 keer bekeken / views
- Yet Another Parametric Projectbox generator - 30,849 keer bekeken / views
- Slimme Meter Poort Extender (P1 HUB) - 26,014 keer bekeken / views
Recent Comments
- Willem Aandewiel on Slimme Meter Poort Extender (P1 HUB)
- Nico Veenstra on Slimme Meter Poort Extender (P1 HUB)
- Willem Aandewiel on DSMR-logger schrijft nu rechtstreeks in InfluxDB / Grafana
- Willem Aandewiel on An ESP8266 Ticker
- rob on DSMR-logger schrijft nu rechtstreeks in InfluxDB / Grafana
- FiZiX on Yet Another Parametric Projectbox generator
- Jannick DG on Crisis? What Crisis? (een betere DSMR-logger)
- Markus on digital Tape Recorder for the KIM-1 (and clones)
- Willem Aandewiel on Crisis? What Crisis? (een betere DSMR-logger)
- Willem Aandewiel on Slimme Meter Poort Extender (P1 HUB)
- rick on Slimme Meter Poort Extender (P1 HUB)
- Jannick DG on Crisis? What Crisis? (een betere DSMR-logger)
- Ruud vd Meer on An ESP8266 Ticker
- Willem Aandewiel on digital Tape Recorder for the KIM-1 (and clones)
- Markus on digital Tape Recorder for the KIM-1 (and clones)
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Tag Archives: Arduino
Arduino to PlatformIO project conversion
[ ] I developed hardware for a friend to control the underfloor heating of his house more effectively and efficiently. To test this hardware I wrote software with the Arduino IDE. For me the only way I knew. Je kunt … Continue reading
Posted in Aandewiel, Arduino, Computer, Firmware, Uncategorised
Tagged Arduino, Conversion, IDE, PlatformIO, Python, Python3
Experimenteren met Micro Controllers
Zo nu en dan krijg ik de vraag om een ontwerp te maken voor een specifieke toepassing. Als je mijn posts leest zul je weten dat ik geen voorstander ben van zogenaamd “Solderless Breadboards“. Daar heb ik een goede reden … Continue reading
Posted in Arduino, ESP32, ESP8266, Hardware, Uncategorised
Tagged Arduino, ESP32, ESP8266, Hardware, PCB, Prototyping
External Hardware Watchdog with ATtiny85
This post has 3,698 keer bekeken / views Sometimes the internal Watchdog Timer (WDT) of a MCU is working more against you than that it ‘helps’ you. Also an internal WDT is not always up to the task of resetting … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorised
Tagged Arduino, ATTiny, ESP8266, Firmware, Hardware, Watchdog
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Extending GPIO pins on your Micro Processor
[ ]Somehow, no matter what micro processor I choose, I end up with too few GPIO pins for the projects needs or for what I want to do. For a recent project I switched from the ESP8266 to the ESP32 … Continue reading
Controlling Lots of Relays with only 2 GPIO pins
Piggyback board for 8- or 16-relays boards to control with I2C Continue reading
1of! Platform for developing ESP8266 devices
[ ] Developing hardware almost always run through the same stages: It starts with an idea You design a concept on paper or in your head Using a solder-less breadboard you connect parts to see that it works as you … Continue reading