Yearly Archives: 2020

Extending GPIO pins on your Micro Processor

[ ]Somehow, no matter what micro processor I choose, I end up with too few GPIO pins for the projects needs or for what I want to do. For a recent project I switched from the ESP8266 to the ESP32 … Continue reading

Posted in Arduino, ESP8266, Hardware, KiCAD | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

DSMR-logger schrijft nu rechtstreeks in InfluxDB / Grafana

[ ] Door de jaren heen had ik mijn Slimme Meter uitgelezen met een USB P1 kabel en een Raspberry PI, echter een Raspberry PI moet regelmatige geupdate worden, SD kaartjes gaan kapot, Home Automation software moet regelmatig bijgewerkt worden … Continue reading

Posted in Arduino, ESP8266, Firmware | Tagged , , , , | 18 Comments

An ESP8266 Ticker

[ ] INTRODUCTION From the moment I saw the MAX7219 Dot matrix modules I wanted to build a news ticker. I wanted the option to enter my own messages without having to install special Apps on my phone or tablet. … Continue reading

Posted in Arduino, ESP8266, Hardware, WiFi | Tagged , , , , , , , | 84 Comments

Controlling Lots of Relays with only 2 GPIO pins

Piggyback board for 8- or 16-relays boards to control with I2C Continue reading

Posted in Arduino, Computer, ESP8266, Hardware, WiFi | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

restAPI’s zijn hip! (nieuwe firmware voor de DSMR-logger)

Nieuwe, op restAPI’s gebaseerde firmware voor de DSMR-logger
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Posted in Arduino, DSMR-logger, ESP8266, Firmware, WiFi | Tagged , , , , , | 635 Comments