The Firmware to glue everything together
The firmware uses Web Sockets to interface with the browser. When accessing the URL of the device a simple index.html page is loaded. This page uses Javascript to setup the WebSocket communication between the IR IoT Remote and the browser.

The firmware is still ‘Work in Progress‘!

You can find the firmware (IR_IoT_Remote) on github.
Future Extentions
External Keyboard
For some people a web interface is not ideal. For those I added a keyboard interface (J7) that communicates with a keyboard like this. The output is a voltage depending on the key pressed. The ADC pin of the ESP-12 can analyse this voltage to decide which key is pressed and send an IR-command depending on that key.
Mind you, the firmware has no function for this. You have to make it yourself.
Temperature Sensor
It is fairly simple to implement an interface for a DS18B20 one-wire temperature sensor. You can connect a DS18B20 via port J5.
Hoi Willem!
Leuk project, ik zocht nog zo iets! Ik wil mijn airco automatiseren op basis van sensoren van de omgeving (daarnaast ook de aansturing van een luchtbevochtiger en de automatische radiatorknoppen) om zo het klimaat op mijn kantoor optimaal te houden. Ik ga er zeker naar kijken!
Gr, Roland